Students Say

Master. Harsh Malu
(Xth STD)

Montaigne said,
"The great and glorious masterpiece of men is to live to thepoint"
I Harsh Malu studying is class X in Sanjay Ghodawat International School truly believe in these words. I feel I am very fortunate and lucky to study in such wonderful school whatever I am today is all because of my school.....

Master. Nimit Sunil Patni
(Head Boy, SGI)

Somebody once truly said, 'Learn from yesterday, live for today & hope for tomorrow', this is what our school believes in and this is what I practice. School is now no more a temple of knowledge. Along with temple of knowledge, it has become the isle of opportunities and exposure, which gives us ample shots at molding our personality, as this exposure is important for a student all round development.....